Personal Finance Education

Debt Relief Education

The secret of being a wise and savvy consumer is properly controlling and maintaining your credit. Yet this simple concept is perhaps the hardest challenge for the modern consumer in a credit dominated economy to adopt.At OCCA Consumer Debt Relief we understand the challenge you face, and have developed a program designed to guide you to a stable financial life, along with the tools needed to maintain it. The road back from financial hardship is an uphill one, but OCCA Consumer Debt Relief can help you. Let one of our trained counselors ease the burden of getting your life back on track.

Now, more than ever, responsible use of credit has become an essential and integral element of financial stability and success. Throughout our work with the public, it has been made abundantly clear that most individuals would not have gotten themselves into financial trouble if they had not made some very basic mistakes.

At OCCA Consumer Debt Relief our goal is to educate the generation of tomorrow and provide all consumers with an overview of the credit world to better prepare them for the responsibility of personal finance. Today, virtually all consumers and most post secondary students have at least one credit card. There is nothing wrong with possessing or using credit, but without proper education, credit trouble is lurking just around the corner. Financial problems will arise when consumers, who lack the understanding or the vision to avoid the dangers related to misuse of credit, overextend themselves financially.

Although education is the key to financial success, no substantial effort has been made by government, credit institutions or the educational system to teach students about the credit process. OCCA Consumer Debt Relief is focused on spearheading that challenge.

The problem most consumers face is that they do not have the means to maintain the mandatory repayment schedule of their credit debt. Many consumers resolve to use their credit cards or lines of credit to help sustain their lifestyle. Credit is not an alternative to income and when used as such can leave an individual in a very deep financial hole.

At OCCA Consumer Debt Relief, our mission is to ensure that consumers are given the appropriate tools and education to learn how to maintain a budget, understand the credit process, adhere to repayment commitments and recognize common traps.

Together we can help Canadian consumers take control of their financial future.
