Stressed_Lady_HighRes-resized-600.jpgDebt happens. Let’s face it; everyone in this strong and free country of ours has at one point faced the task of paying off some kind of debt. Whether the debt comes from a mortgage, loan or credit card purchase, the average Canadian cannot avoid the reality of paying off debt.

The acceptance of living with debt has become widespread over the last decade or so. People have become too comfortable with debt. The numerous cashless methods of making purchases have made it much easier for consumers to spend. Credit has become far too accessible for students who do not yet earn the income to repay debts in a timely manner. Consumers are caught up in the dream to “keep up with the Jones” and readily entrap themselves in buy-now-pay-later loan agreements that get them the things they feel are entitled to them. Living pay cheque to pay cheque has become the norm in order to keep the dream alive. The reasons for spending have become muddled with the wants becoming needs.

OCCA Consumer Debt Relief has for over a decade now counseled people who do not realize how much in debt there are in. These are the ones who have no budget or financial plans. They do not track their spending or forecast the repercussions of such. No goals are set for the next five years or even for the rest of the month. These are the people that practice responsible financial skills or restraint in how they spend.

The Federal government can see the writing on the wall and the dangers of overspending. Time and time again consumers have heeded warnings of an impending increase in interest rate that would collapse many households in debt management. Mortgage rules have been revised to control borrowing as a way to avoid overspending.

Taking a step further parents and teachers have been become more instrumental in teaching our youth about personal finance responsibility. Students before college or university are now learning proper money management and the perils of debt. Educators are endeavoring to set students up for success not just with book smarts but financial smarts too.

Too many people have become rudely awakened by the path their spending habits have taken them on. Taking on too much credit and overextending their incomes can result in financial ruin should an income be compromised or a divorce or illness occur. OCCA Consumer Debt Relief has helped many Canadians in this situation. The task of managing their debts can be too much to bear if the income just is not enough. Stress, panic, anger and depression can foster as a result. Decisions can be made in haste that can cause further turmoil. It is difficult to get out of the sink hole of debt if you do not have proper guidance. This guidance can be given by professional credit counseling, offered by OCCA Consumer Debt Relief. We know the nasty business of debt as well as the necessary instruction in resolving it.

The first step in getting out of debt is to know you’re in debt. Next comes the harder part – taking steps to resolve the debts. Obtaining a recent credit report should be the first step so you can get the big picture. A credible debt relief firm will guide you through your credit report and lay a path for you in repaying the debts with your best interests in mind. OCCA Consumer Debt Relief knows that debt can happen to anyone at any time. Fixing debt is our speciality. Yes, debt happens. Get over it with OCCA Consumer Debt Relief.

And I’ll tell you that for free..


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